Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one, it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.

Mobility Suite

No-nonsense Enterprise Mobility

Service Providers

Networked devices connect industries and enable our lives. In the new connected world, service providers find themselves competing in a complex landscape: on the one hand, customers demand innovations and instrumental applications; on the other hand, over-the-top players like Google, Apple and Facebook create an environment of rapid innovation and product introduction in which consumers expect services for free. To be relevant, service providers must partner with content providers and handset manufacturers who are also competitors.

This brings us to the margin challenge. Service providers are struggling to preserve some margin from the wealth of mobile transactions. CommuniTake offers service providers with a unique White label solution that answers customer’s insatiable desire for connectivity and digital innovations. It contains comprehensive device management, unique security, device Diagnosis, device sharing and remote control. Service providers can offer their business customers an all-in-one enterprise mobility solution that delivers central assets management, always connected mobile workers and collaboration between mobile workers. All these capabilities are encompassed, in an affordable, easy to set solution. CommuniTake enables you to stand out from your competition with superior business customer experience.

Increase VAS revenuesEnables complete white label enterprise mobility solutions
Differentiate service provider's solutionsDelivers Enterprise Mobility solution with a smart easy to set-up system focusing on care and security. Care is provided via an on-device app and remote control technology where security is implemented via secure IM, unique container or an innovative secure email.
Create high appeal for service provider's solutionsOffers highly affordable solution with attractive cost-value ratio.
Address wide range of business customersProvides Enterprise Mobility solution that is aligned with big enterprises requirements and SMBs needs alike.