Work is, after all, not a busy running back and forth in established grooves, (though that is the essence of our modern business and academic life) but the supreme energy and disciplined curiosity required to cut new grooves.


Total Secured Communications System

Eavesdropping Immunity

The wireless market is experiencing a shift of business activities to mobile services. Organizations are developing complete dependency on mobile devices to perform and consume on-going services – anytime, anywhere, and with any device. As a result, they are exposed to new security threats and risks, including tampering with the communication channels and penetrating the device.

To address the connected world challenges and provide organizations with risk-free and highly secured mobility, CommuniTake has developed the INTACTPHONE, a hardened Android smartphone leveraging a Mobile Virtual Private Network (MVPN).

Ensure eavesdropping immunityDeploys three security layers:
  • Hardened device and locked bootloader
  • Secure proprietary firmware
  • Encrypted voice / messaging; device monitoring; and device security policy
Eliminate security breachesControls access points and provides contained voice and messaging communications.
Secure connections and access to devicesAudits access and protects information as it traverses the network. Disables of all Wi-Fi except trusted hotspots.
Control device useEnforces use restrictions without the user’s ability to bypass enforcement.
Prevent data leakages and maintain sensitive information inside the organizationRecovers from stolen / lost devices through remote locate / lock / wipe / selective wipe / restore. Practices internal support operations by leveraging remote control technology over mobile devices.
Fulfill organizational mobility directivesManages secure devices via smart, always-on MDM system.