Introduction The relationship between iTechWorks and its Suppliers is an integral part of achieving and maintaining high performance in iTechWorks’s business.
iTechWorks is committed to working with reputable business partners that share its dedication to ethical business conduct and policies.
The Supplier Standards of Conduct (“Supplier Standards”) apply to all of iTechWorks’s thirdparty representatives, suppliers, vendors, and subcontractors and their parent, subsidiary, and affiliated entities (collectively, “Suppliers”).
All Suppliers must review our Core Values and Code of Ethics (the “Code”), our Anti- Corruption Statement, and these Supplier Standards as they set forth the minimum standards and practices that iTechWorks’s Suppliers are required to uphold.
iTechWorks has developed these Supplier Standards to set forth our expectations in regards to our Suppliers’ business practices:
Compliance with these Supplier Standards is mandatory. Suppliers may be monitored through surveys, questionnaires and/or audits. Failure to comply with these Supplier Standards may result in termination as a iTechWorks Supplier and potential referral of the matter to local authorities.
iTechWorks Suppliers who become aware of any actual or potential violation of the Supplier Standards, iTechWorks’s Anti-Corruption Statement, iTechWorks’s Code, or of any applicable law, are required to report them to the iTechWorks Helpline and available by phone or online.
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iTechWorks is committed to helping Suppliers comply with the Supplier Standards, iTechWorks’s Code, and iTechWorks’s Anti-Corruption Statement. Accordingly, should your organization have any questions or concerns regarding these Supplier Standards, iTechWorks’s Code, and/or iTechWorks’s Anti-Corruption Statement, you should immediately contact us at the Contact Us Portal at
Thank you for your continued efforts and collaboration to adhere to our Supplier Standards.